/ BC Snacks

  • /Brand Strategy
  • /Brand Identity
  • /Website
  • /Social Media Content
  • /Communications


In a fiercely competitive market, everything counts, and for BC it didn’t just need a campaign, it needed a brand strategy and identity to make it stronger.

Since launching in 2014, BC (The Bar Counter) had become the No.1 Protein Bar in the Health Aisle. However, BC had never really defined the heart of their brand, or developed a distinctive brand identity. As market leader, BC had a lot going for it. We needed to work with what was working but also identify what could be improved, and how. We needed to make Everything Count.

While the brand was very clean, functional and focused on outcomes like looking great, it was missing an important layer – the human aspect. Our consumers were driven, active and confident. They were up for a challenge and focused on achievement. Our opportunity was to empower them in their quest and connecting by showing an understanding their daily challenges in an authenticity way.

Visually we balanced control and function with expressions of raw energy and power. While messaging adopted a highly empathetic, but motivational approach. The outcome – a high impact campaign that increased engagement for BC in gyms and digital media.


Thanks for all your support in bringing our brand to life! BC reached new heights during the campaign period, with a RECORD scan sales month + RECORD brand share EVER!

/ Aimee Cutajar Senior Marketing Manager